| My army is on a suicide mission to destroy the forces in Pakistan. I will die, but if others send troops it will be taken easily. My troops land in 3 days. You can either enjoy watching the bloodbath or you can be part of it. Kamikazee power I will post the battle results so that we can have a laugh. | |
| oja die kleinen noobs blasen zum angriff       
vor allem diejenigen die alleine keine chance haben | |
| das afinde ich an modern scheisse alle diese noobs die die halbe runde irgentwoh angreiffen und dann viel nerven und truppen brauchen    | |
| meinst du deine nerverei wird nicht auch truppen kosten?? | |
| ja leider zimlich viele aber sie müssen auch weg
ich denke da an maxi3000 und seine truppen 
ich glaube dieses forum sollte privat sein  | |
| noob
Yes, I am a noob and have never played this game in my life. I admit that I only sent a few thousand armed rebels to Pakistan.  | |
| wow you are a good noob
was isch achd das für nä pfiffä?   | |
| Thanks. I'm not doing too bad for a guy who started the round 20 days late. If you don't care about points and ranks and just want to kill, join Kamikaze. We let the survivors sort out whats left. | |
| have fun | |
|    Hahahaha! Yeah, I'm a noob with a bunch of rebels. Hahahaha! My next stop is Islamabad, where I will take over Pakistan and put all the laws into effect. I hope this doesn't ruin anybody's criminal empire!
Congratulations, Taco Grande +K+, you defeated the troops of Noob is my name Hä? and are from now on the owner of the Elite forces training facility III.
Attacker loss
Taco Grande +K+:
Gun soldiers III: 1,647 / 4,135
AA soldiers III: 2,599 / 3,935
Sniper soldiers III: 26,889 / 42,882
Rifle soldiers III: 19,921 / 38,805
Rifle rebels: 26 / 219
AT soldiers III: 1,812 / 4,148
Gun rebels: 103 / 317
Heavy tanks II: 0 / 8
Armed rebels: 147 / 738
MG rebels: 26 / 164
Defender loss
Noob is my name Hä?:
Heavy tanks III: 14 / 14
AA soldiers III: 3,756 / 3,756
AT rebels: 562 / 562
Rifle soldiers III: 1,320 / 1,320
Armed rebels: 3,400 / 3,400
AT soldiers III: 3,820 / 3,820
Sniper soldiers III: 18,067 / 18,067
Gun soldiers III: 5,466 / 5,466
AA rebels: 586 / 586
GL rebels: 3,605 / 3,605
MG rebels: 584 / 584
Gun rebels: 1,100 / 1,100
Rifle rebels: 776 / 776
"Kühlweinsche Ellenbogen" Hä?:
GL rebels: 1,037 / 1,037
Gun soldiers III: 147 / 147
MG rebels: 23 / 23
Armed rebels: 150 / 150
Rifle soldiers III: 71 / 71
AA rebels: 1,138 / 1,138
Sniper soldiers III: 2,987 / 2,987
AT rebels: 1,076 / 1,076
Rifle rebels: 52 / 52
Gun rebels: 42 / 42
the X Hä?:
MG soldiers III: 226 / 226
Rifle soldiers III: 5,149 / 5,149
RL soldiers III: 1,153 / 1,153
AA soldiers III: 1,544 / 1,544
AT soldiers III: 1,616 / 1,616
MG rebels: 1,303 / 1,303
GL rebels: 1,003 / 1,003
Sniper soldiers III: 6,879 / 6,879
Rifle rebels: 1,581 / 1,581
Gun rebels: 2,071 / 2,071
AA rebels: 1,079 / 1,079
AT rebels: 1,112 / 1,112
Armed rebels: 6,384 / 6,384
Heavy tanks III: 3 / 3
Oberstleutnant Mr. Stimrol Hä?:
Armed fanatics: 974 / 974
Gun fanatics: 300 / 300
Rifle fanatics: 218 / 218
Brigadegeneral Batista Hä?:
Gun soldiers III: 1 / 1
And then I took care of the soldiers that were training, and scrapped all the buildings in Karachi:
Congratulations, Taco Grande +K+, you defeated the troops of Noob is my name Hä?.
Attacker loss
Taco Grande +K+:
Gun soldiers III: 330 / 2,422
Heavy tanks III: 0 / 62
AA soldiers III: 339 / 1,198
Sniper soldiers III: 5,726 / 14,283
Rifle soldiers III: 5,315 / 16,779
Rifle rebels: 0 / 193
AT soldiers III: 611 / 2,305
Gun rebels: 12 / 193
Heavy tanks II: 0 / 8
Armed rebels: 61 / 589
MG rebels: 36 / 132
Defender loss
Noob is my name Hä?:
Rifle soldiers III: 6,868 / 6,868
"Kühlweinsche Ellenbogen" Hä?:
Rifle soldiers III: 6,878 / 6,878
AA rebels: 24 / 24
AT rebels: 29 / 29
Gun soldiers III: 3,195 / 3,195
Gun rebels: 693 / 693
GL rebels: 20 / 20
Rifle rebels: 495 / 495
MG rebels: 441 / 441
Armed rebels: 2,146 / 2,146
the X Hä?:
Rifle soldiers III: 1,458 / 1,458
Gun soldiers III: 8,927 / 8,927 |