 | Gute Nachricht für all meine Jünger:
Battle report from Dhaka, Bangladesh Do, 26.2. 21:23:47
Congratulations, König Boris XF, you defeated the troops of [DA]Darkman.
Attacker loss
König Boris XF:
RL soldiers: 61 / 88
Rifle soldiers: 41587 / 58718
AT soldiers: 2803 / 3452
AA soldiers: 2992 / 3621
Helicopters: 7 / 19
MG jeeps: 42 / 93
FT jeeps: 392 / 901
Sniper soldiers: 1375 / 1786
MG soldiers: 1065 / 1300
Medium tanks: 3 / 9
Artilleries: 148 / 296
Defender loss
Armed fanatics: 13524 / 13524
Mortar soldiers: 50 / 50
Fighters: 20 / 20
MG jeeps: 500 / 500
Rifle soldiers: 350 / 350
AA soldiers: 1149 / 1149
Fanatics: 41740 / 41740
AT soldiers: 800 / 800
Gun soldiers: 700 / 700
MG soldiers: 2650 / 2650
Rifle fanatics: 9600 / 9600
MG tanks: 50 / 50
AT fanatics: 4303 / 4303
AA fanatics: 4343 / 4343
Helicopters: 150 / 150
Heavy tanks: 100 / 100
Bin ja so stolz auf mich, war aber auch hinterhaltig Darkman mit den 58k Rifle Soldiers...  Hauptsache Ignoranz gesichert. |
 | Ja, allerdings... hast es aber gut gelöst... Ich verneige mich vor dir, mein König...  War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
 | Nächste Runde greifst du mich ein Tag vor Reset in meiner Hochburg an...  Hauptsache Ignoranz gesichert. |
 | Falls nicht noch etwas in dieser Runde passiert dann war das mein letzter und damit der Abschiedskampf. Diese Runde waren Fanatiker, Rebellen und der Handel auf dem Prüfstand - nächste Runde gibt es für micht nichts mehr zu testen... War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
 | ...schade 
Mir ist gerade aufgefallen dass ich den 6. Stern in Crime bei Fame ww erreicht hab!!! JAHAHAAAAA
Der Reset DARF kommen...  Hauptsache Ignoranz gesichert. |
 | oh nein, Darkman wird uns alle umbringen ^^ Oh well, whatever, nevermind |
 | Yipieee!
Today a mob of angry inhabitants moved to the major´s office and declared Dhaka as liberated. 1,494 units belonging to the former president Staffan XF have deserted their leader and joined you.
The following units have joined you:
FT tanks: 249 / 249
Heavy tanks: 195 / 195
Basic tanks: 50 / 50
Mobile mercenaries: 999 / 999
Gun soldiers: 1 / 1
Ich mach euch jetzt noch schnell alle platt bevor Ich euch platt mache...  War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |
 | Warte ich greif mal an...  Hauptsache Ignoranz gesichert. |
 | Unfortunately your forces were unable to destroy those of president Staffan XF.
Attacker loss
FT tanks: 249 / 249
Armed fanatics: 23 / 23
Rifle fanatics: 19 / 19
Heavy tanks: 195 / 195
Basic tanks: 50 / 50
Fanatics: 81 / 81
Rifle mercenaries: 100 / 100
Mobile mercenaries: 1049 / 1049
AT fanatics: 13 / 13
AA fanatics: 18 / 18
Gun soldiers: 1 / 1
Defender loss
Staffan XF:
König Boris XF:
RL soldiers: 15 / 27
Rifle soldiers: 11320 / 23075
AT soldiers: 353 / 647
AA soldiers: 3413 / 6302
Helicopters: 0 / 12
MG jeeps: 8 / 51
FT jeeps: 115 / 509
Sniper soldiers: 200 / 411
MG soldiers: 119 / 233
Medium tanks: 0 / 6
Artilleries: 39 / 148
apfelzimt XF:
AA soldiers: 139 / 289
Helicopters: 1 / 10
AT soldiers: 483 / 921
RL soldiers: 54 / 98
Mortar soldiers: 8 / 14
Rifle mercenaries: 4 / 9
Basic tanks: 4 / 25
MG soldiers: 507 / 965
Gun soldiers: 157 / 293
Mobile mercenaries: 14 / 100
Sniper soldiers: 1692 / 3412
MG tanks: 24 / 100
Rifle soldiers: 226 / 484
Hunter tanks: 1 / 10
Heavy tanks: 3 / 35
Sang und klanglos untergeganen... na was solls, Ich hatte meinen Spaß daran... 
Und jetzt schnell resetten... War was never the brightest idea of mankind... but surely the most exciting! Join now!
Community Project
ComPro Webgame
www.schneakygames.de |