Kontinente: Europa (63), Amerika (22), Afrika (13), Asien (47), Australien (3)
Weitere: Vereinigungen (679), Fragen zum Spiel (346), Stammtischkneipe (383)

Thema: "why did everybody get killed this round?"

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onukoll, Fr, 31.3.06 14:30:04:
most of estonians got pissed off..
DunklerEngel, Fr, 31.3.06 14:45:34:
i not pissed off
and my name is Estonian Destroyer *i have fun
Nur weil du dich für super hälst, bist noch lang kein Superheld.

Unser Trainer - Jürgen Klinsmann

onukoll, Fr, 31.3.06 15:00:40:
you are like a lil racist.... ;D You cant destroy estonians, russians already tried it.. As you see,they didn't achieve a success..
Rinkadink, Fr, 31.3.06 15:42:11:

Why did they leave? Hopefully not because of Estonian Destroyer!

Or did they felt oppressed, because of the multicheck discussion. There were many of them claiming that the whole check thing is racism against Estonians... which is wrong, but... Did they leave because of that?!?
onukoll, Fr, 31.3.06 16:21:07:
multicheck banned the best of us which is unfair. They do not share accounts and stuff like that.+this round we got runned over by some tanks. so we had no point playing..
unbekannt, Fr, 31.3.06 17:01:05:

TheLord, I just can't quite bring myself to be happy for you.
:lol:, Sa, 1.4.06 1:05:23:

i had fun killing you guys! ha
Heartbreak, Sa, 1.4.06 8:58:00:
Well done!
"Charlie don't surf!"
Feldwebel Global, Sa, 1.4.06 9:08:09:

I say the end of the world is now.
unbekannt, Sa, 1.4.06 13:14:52:

Ich benutze jetzt mal dieses Fenster um nicht noch eints zu öffnen! Kann mir mal jemand sagen wad Der Grosse Rote Knopf ist?

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